Friday, July 9, 2010

Chocolaty boys or feisty girls?

Your upbringing influences who you fancy? We tell you more...

If you had to choose, would you want your lover to be good looking or funny? Where does character fall in your check-list? Do you expect your partner to be romantic or loaded with money? It’s not a surprise to know that when it comes to choosing a partner, some women prefer men who make them laugh, some prefer them to be rugged, some men opt for those who catch their eye and some put brains over beauty. And thank god for this subjectivity.

What comes as a startling discovery is that some researchers have found a pattern in this subjectivity. The researchers had predicted that girls at single-sex schools would prefer more feminine boys, while boys at all male schools would prefer more masculine girls. Consistent with the predictions, the study suggests that female students surrounded every day by girls are more attracted to feminine looking boys, such as High School Musical star Zac Efron, while boys at all-male schools are more likely to go for girls with more masculine qualities.

This research work echoes previous research that has shown that exposure can affect people’s judgments of the ‘normality’, and attractiveness. Young sociologist Akash Acharya explains, “Our views and norms are shaped by our culture. It is not fixed and frozen in absolute. Just like when culture is in transition, social norms change. What was considered novel then is normal now. It’s all about the society you live in.” He also compares this understanding to the age old debate of nature versus nurture. He states, “Tastes, shapes, preferences are not only genetic but also shaped the way in which we live and the culture we live in.”

Furthermore, according to the research, the impact of this visual diet weakens if students are exposed to siblings of opposite sex at home. Explains psychiatrist Kammlesh Dave who deals with youth regularly, “Your taste does boil down to your upbringing. In my opinion, co-ed schools provide better understanding of the opposite sex. Single sex schools impact your understanding of the opposite sex and this could result in differences in the psyche.”

No wonder then that model Freddie Darruwala who has studied in a single sex school lists down qualities that are associated with men generally. When asked what were the qualities he would appreciate in his partner, he says, “The first thing is confidence. I look for the way she carries herself. And I know understanding and humour are a man’s traits but we men appreciate our women possessing them too.” Hoping he is not expecting too much, he adds, “I like women who are passionate about their career and well-aware.”

Unaware and unbiased about this study he also added he would love to meet women who drive well. And Sheela Nair, a convent student says, “Definition of attractive differs from person to person. As far as I am concerned, I was among the ones who were swooning over Craig Bond while many women were disgusted with a pouty bond. They thought pout was a female thing.”

Well, the research may have certain points of agreement or argument.


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