Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mosquitoes like men

If you are a man who enjoys a workout, the chances of your getting bitten by mosquitoes is high. According to a report in the Annals of Internal Medicine, mosquitoes actually enjoy biting men more than they do women.

This has to do with their greater body size. Other factors that determine whether a person is a mosquito magnet or not is their body smell and how hot they are.

Cues like body temperature, carbon dioxide in the breath and certain skin chemicals like lactic acid direct mosquitoes towards finding their next meal. Exercise boosts the levels of all three signals, making people more vulnerable to mosquito bites during or after exercise.

Women who are pregnant also attract mosquitoes for the same reasons. A Lancet study in 2000 found that the pregnant women attracted twice as many mosquitoes. This is because pregnant women exhale more carbon dioxide and have higher body temperatures, drawing mosquitoes to them more easily.


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